KSI has embarked on the following initiatives and projects in fulfillment of its core objectives and goals

KSI -P1Developing a global directory of all known scholars and practitioners of Shaiva Philosophy of Kashmir School from across the world , complete with citations, qualifications , profile briefs, works and accomplishments of each member. Felicitation and empanelment of all scholars for knowledge sharing and furthering of propagation of the Shaiva philosophy across the world.
KSI -P2Conversion, transcription , translations and publications of all available audio recordings/records of teachings in all formats of Swami Ji’s discourses ( yet to be transcribed or converted to textual format or other languages ) to make it accessible and available to a wider global audience interested in or pursuing the studies /practice or research in Kashmir Shaivism
KSI -P3Collation of a directory of all Institutions/ academies/ study centers/Universities across the world that are engaged in education and research in the practice and discipline of Kashmir Shaiva Philosophy . Introduction of a chair for studies of Kashmir Shaivism in prominent Universities across India and abroad. Supporting scholarly faculties to organize discourses and programs in the study of key texts of Kashmir Shaivis
KSI -P4Developing a directory of all aspirants, students or seekers from different communities and geographies and support their progression in the pursuit of studies and practice of Kashmir Shaivism
KSI -P5Building a comprehensive training module/program and training materials designed for absolute beginners, youngsters and general public to gain an understanding of the fundamental thought behind the profound philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism with an object to pique their interest towards exploration of the practise and discipline of Kashmir Shaivism
KSI -P6building a master faculty training program for potential students who could be groomed to become the certified faculty in future to teach the basic tenets of the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism to a wider audience of seekers and students , largely youngsters

Develop a teaser film ( 150 -200 seconds long) highlighting the life changing impact of ” living the Kashmir Shaivism way”. The purpose and goal of the film is to pique the interest of new generations , nudging them to explore the philosophy and

learn the fundamentals of the practices for them to adopt in their day to day life.

KSI -P8Development of dedicated study centers of Kashmir Shaivism across all spiritually vibrant and towns in India, where seekers and students can acquire long and short courses on different texts and teachings of Kashmir Shaiva Philosophy
KSI -P9Build and consolidate a central library for KSI with books, literature, journals, research papers, dissertations acquired from all known sources in India and from across the world . Cataloging the library with meta data of descriptions build for each of the books Digitizing/ barcoding /creating e book versions that can be made accessible online and downloaded in different formats.
KSI -P10Develop a repertoire of animated instruction clips ( smartclass format) which will help students at schools and colleges to get introduced to the fundamental concepts in Kashmir Shaivism and its basic practices using anecdotal examples and visually engaging graphics , Covering the overarching understanding of the philosophy of Kashmir
KSI -P11Complete refurbishing/renovation of existing Ashram premises and residential blocks associated with each Ashram, located at Srinagar, Jammu and Delhi to create resources and facilities for conducting retreats /courses on Kashmir Shaivis
KSI -P12Develop a think tank/thought Leadership group to engage in ideation, planning and execution of the projects listed. Identify competent volunteers among devotees and followers ( preferably younger generation under 30 , children/grand children of existing ardent devotees) to own and execute each project to successful fruition
KSI -P13Develop an exhaustive and comprehensive glossary of key technical terms , thoughts and concepts related to the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism and made it accessible to seekers and students across the world